Development Environment

You will need Volta and pre-commit installed. If you don't have opinions about the process, this will get you going:

# Install Homebrew and everything mentioned above
# Clone the sentry-docs repo, and then navigate into the cloned files

Once you have the required system dependencies:

# Install or update application dependencies

Now run the development webserver:

yarn start

You will now be able to access docs via http://localhost:3000.


A few linters are available. Run yarn lint to apply them all.

Additionally we use prettier to format our code. Run prettier if you get linting errors in CI:

yarn prettier:fix

If you want to run prettier on mdx and markdown files, run

yarn prettier:fix:all

Faster builds

To disable image thumbnail generation, set DISABLE_THUMBNAILS=1 before running yarn start or yarn build. Images will not work while in this mode, but builds will be significantly faster.

Help improve this content
Our documentation is open source and available on GitHub. Your contributions are welcome, whether fixing a typo (drat!) to suggesting an update ("yeah, this would be better").