Markdown Variables

A transformation is exposed to both Markdown and MDX files which supports processing variables in a Django/Jekyll-style way. The variables available are globally scoped and configured within gatsby-config.js (via gatsby-remark-variables).

For example:

JavaScript SDK: {{ packages.version('sentry.browser.javascript') }}

In this case, we expose packages as an instance of PackageRegistry which is why there is a packages.version function available. Additional, we expose a default context variable of page which contains the frontmatter of the given markdown node. For example, Markdown Variables.

When a function call is invalid (or errors), or doesn't match something in the known scope, it will simple render it as a literal value instead. So for example:

setFingerprint('{{ default }}')

Will render as:

setFingerprint('{{ default }}')

This is because there is no entity scoped to default in the template renderer. Additionally - in this case - we also add the default expression to the exclusion list in our configuration, as it is commonly use in our documentation.


The packages helper is an instance of PackageRegistry and exposes several methods.


Returns the latest version of the given package.


You may also optionally specify a fallback for if the package isn't found (or there's an upstream error):

packages.version("sentry.javacript.browser", "1.0.0");


Returns the checksum of a given file in a package.

packages.checksum("sentry.javacript.browser", "bundle.min.js", "sha384");
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