
General Integration Configuration

The following options can be configured on the root level of your browser-based Sentry SDK, in init({}):

replaysSessionSampleRatenumber0The sample rate for replays that begin recording immediately and last the entirety of the user's session. 1.0 collects all replays, and 0 collects none.
replaysOnErrorSampleRatenumber0The sample rate for replays that are recorded when an error happens. This type of replay will record up to a minute of events prior to the error and continue recording until the session ends. 1.0 captures all sessions with an error, and 0 captures none.

The following options can be configured as options to the integration, in new Replay({}):

stickySessionbooleantrueKeep track of the user across page loads. Note, a single user using multiple tabs will result in multiple sessions. Closing a tab will result in the session being closed as well.

Identifying Users

You can use the Sentry SDK to set the user of a session. To associate a user identity to a session replay, refer to the Identifying User Docs.

Sentry.setUser({ email: "" });

Start and Stop Recording

Replay recording starts if it's included in the integrations array when calling Sentry.init or, when addIntegration is called from a Sentry client instance. To stop recording, call stop():

const replay = new Replay();

// Load replay when you configure Sentry SDK
  integrations: [replay],

// Or if you want to defer loading Replay

// sometime later
await replay.flush(); // wait for any pending recording data to be sent



We take privacy seriously, so we provide a number of privacy-oriented settings. Learn more about these in our our Session Replay privacy documentation.

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