Sentry CLI

If you choose sentry-cli as the method to upload your source files, we assume you already know how to generate source maps within your build tool chain.

Sentry uses releases to match the correct uploaded source maps to your events. You can use sentry-cli to create releases and upload source maps to Sentry.

1. Update SDK Options

To be able to match Sentry errors with the correct release, you must provide a release property in the SDK options:

  // Make sure this value is identical to the name you give the release that you
  // create below using Sentry CLI
  release: "<release_name>",

2. Upload Source Maps Using Sentry CLI

Make sure Sentry CLI is configured for your project. You can use a .sentryclirc file or environment variables:



Then, create a release with Sentry CLI. The release name must be unique within your organization:

sentry-cli releases new <release_name>

Next, upload your release artifacts (source files and source maps):

sentry-cli releases files <release_name> upload-sourcemaps /path/to/files

At this point, the release is in a draft state (“unreleased”). Once all source maps have been uploaded and your app has been published successfully, finalize the release with the following command:

sentry-cli releases finalize <release_name>

For more information on how to configure releases via Sentry CLI, see our Sentry CLI release management docs.

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