Debug Information Files

Debug information files allow Sentry to extract stack traces and provide more information about crash reports for most compiled platforms. Information stored in debug files includes original function names, paths to source files and line numbers, source code context, or the placement of variables in memory. Sentry can use some of this information and display it on the issue details page.

Sentry requires access to debug information files of your application as well as system libraries to provide fully symbolicated crash reports. You can either upload your files to Sentry or put them on a compatible Symbol Server to be downloaded by Sentry when needed.

Managing Debug Information Files

After they have been uploaded, debug information files can be viewed and managed from the Debug Files section in the associated project's settings page. That page lists all uploaded debug files, and also allows you to configure symbol servers for automatic downloads.

From the Project Details page, click into settings, then click on Debug Files in the page navigation.

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