Connect Services

If you're also using Performance Monitoring for JavaScript, you can use a helper function to continue the trace and propagate the trace context started from your backend in order to connect services. (The trace context contains additional trace-related data that is used for trace-based sampling.) Add the following line to your blade template rendering the <head/> of your page:

{!! \Sentry\Laravel\Integration::sentryMeta() !!}

This helper function will render two meta tags similar to <meta name="sentry-trace" content="49879feb76c84743ba5034bd2d3f1ca3-7cb5535c930d4666-1"/> and <meta name="baggage" content="sentry-trace_id=49879feb76c84743ba5034bd2d3f1ca3,sentry-sample_rate=0.2,sentry-transaction=my-transaction,sentry-public_key=public,sentry-release=1.0.0,sentry-environment=prod>. Our JavaScript SDK will pick these up and then continue the trace and propagate the trace context. As a result, your frontend and your backend are connected by way of the same trace.

Otherwise, other backend services with Performance Monitoring will connect automatically.

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